Pavlidis Tips

5 tips for safe driving in the rain

5 tips for safe driving in the rain

Super Admin Super Admin 29/09/2017 0
  It is well known that drivers must be more careful in autumn, when rainfalls are common. Here are some tips for safe routes regardless of the weather conditions!   1. Check your tires frequently Check the air pressure of your tires at least once a month. The correct air pressure for your tires is stated by the vehicle manufacturer and is usually indicated on the vehicle's side pillar. 2. Reduce speed and pay attention to safety distances When driving at a slower speed a large section of the tire tread comes in contact with the road, resulting in improved traction. Do not forget that...
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DOT Tires - What is the real age of your tires?

DOT Tires - What is the real age of your tires?

Super Admin Super Admin 29/09/2017 0
    Before buying your tires, it is a good idea to check the date of their construction, E.T.R.T.O. (European Tire and Alloy Body) recommends that it should not exceed 5 years as the total durability of the tire is 10 years, ie 5 years (stored) + 5 years (maximum vehicle time) = 10 years.   Our practical point of view is that the date of manufacture is not more than 3 years because if a tire has not been sold during that time you may have traveled several times eg two Countries or 3-4 stores meaning that at these times the proper storage conditions indicated by ETRTO So that the 10-year ...
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